
Evaluación de la EJC 2013 en inglés.

     Por si a alguien le sirve de utilidad, aquí está la evaluación de la EJC 2013 Toulouse (Francia) en inglés. Le debemos las gracias a Guillermo Conde Revuelta por la traducción.

European Juggling Convention 2013 Toulouse (France) evaluation

     - An underground station very close to the conventin site.
     - Lido's big top was lovely.
     - The inside of the marquees had a magic atmosphere.
     - Including the European Uinicycle Championships.
     - “Le cirque pour tous” with special shows.
     - A special area for young children.
     - Two street performances at the convention site.
     - Eco-friendly organisers.
     - Composting toilets.
     - Reusing materials for decorations.
     - Repeating shows to prevent long queues.
     - The fire area was great.
     - The bar tent.
     - The Irish party to present the EJC 2015.
     - The car camping was very close.
     - The fabric bracelets was very confortable.
     - Being able to cook food inside tha convention site.
     - Snack stails all over the place.
     - Several water taps all over the place.
     - Confortable hot water showers.
     - Giving away water bottles during the Games.
     - The option of buying cheaper tickets without the shows.
     - Food and fun every night for those volonteers who helped with cleaning up the convention site.


     - Showers: Mixed showers were missed, so that couples or families could share soap.
     - Some of the portaloos were placed right beside a water tap.
     - The EJC bracelet was only allowed on the wrist and not on the ankle.
     - There were very few plugs available.
     - The EJC map in the booklet was somehow confusing.
     - Traders’ opening times were very short.
     - It would have been better to place all traders in the same location.
     - Some of the volunteers were too authoritarian with no need.
     - The Climate complicated the interaction and sociability amongst attendees.
     - It was not well received that lights were turned off during show times in the 24h gym.
     - It was not well received the fact that some of the grass area was closed a day before the convention finished.
     - It was not a good idea to have the EJA General Assembly in the 24h gym. There were too many people training and there were very loud sound tests being carried away in the main stage at the same time.

Published by Ray.
Translated by Guillermo Conde Revuelta.

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Publicado por Ray.

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